BIG YAWN. More Stryx Tedium.

Dude, stop trying to talk down to people, condescend, on your stupedly long Facebook posts. You end up sounding absolutely retarded instead! None of that is the 'science you possess' Twenty years ahead of the World! Hahahahaa, you are incapable of shutting the Hell up for a day. You wonder why everyone avoids you? Why the Legal System sees you for what you are? A Mentally Ill fool and joke? You rant and rave about how you are NOT and how those you obsess over ARE, but after reading lengthy posts, over 20+ paragraphs in size on average, all of them Narcissistic in nature and so filled with Megalomania, it is hard to read at times, that you are still shocked that the Judge, Lawyers and Police can't take you seriously? Dude, seek help! The skill of a talented writer and true genius, is to say plenty in little. To be able to break down complexity into simplicity, not...whatever Word Salad you spew on Facebook and on your dozens of sites. Your every post reveals how deranged, and guilty, that you truly are of everything that you accuse others of being. So if you want to remain as a laughable, scary parody of yourself, keep doing it! You are not educated, or business savy, or have 'years of experience' to teach 'the kiddies' anything, because you are a joke incarnate. You preach to yourself on Facebook hoping that someone, anyone, would reply back but we can use that evidence AGAINST YOU. Remember that Jimmy. Each post or rant is your own admission to whatever you are accusing others of, and that same circle of people from over two decades. Give it up dude. Get a life, you are almost fifty and being the Perpetual Victim is dull now. How many cats have you killed? Only Serial Killers do that by the way...


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