
Showing posts from November, 2023

Take a Nuke to the Face?

Your 'creations' are childish and asinine Dude! None of it makes sense or has substance. There is no Balance or Merit in any of it, and because you have failed to produce anything of it in DECADES except for a few poorly written little booklets, that speaks worse for you. Remember, when we were all kids in Grade School bragging how our 'ideas were better'? Yeah, you haven't advanced beyond that level and you are almost fifty now. PITIFUL. Not only is none of this playable, but who would want to? Why would someone want to blast entire planets, the life-forms on them and even galaxies too as though they were nothing? If there is a 'race' or species that does this, then why is the Universe still here at all and who could resist them really dude? None of it makes sense. Sure, in your underdeveloped Narcissistic mind, it is the greatest (and only) thing that could be so ingenius and everything else cannot rival your genius. Sigh. But, this is flawed from its very

Stryxina, Dude, Seek Professional Help! Really...

Are you having an extended Manic Episode? Is medication having a major side-effect? What is going on? Your usual lengthy and dull, meaningless posts on Facebook are even worse than before now! Once again you are naming the same individuals that you have continually obsessed over for decades, built elaborate conspiracies on (with not one shred of evidence), and cannot stop blaming for even the slightest thing (such as the cat biting you for trimming its nails!!!!!!). You expect any Legal Office to take you seriously? Any? If I were just some random person that happened on your Facebook pages and websites and knew nothing about your Mental Health problems (and its backstory), I wouldn't take long to know it. You lay it out for me in today's post. Everything you accuse your targets of - you are! To the word dude! You are completely the person that you trying to hard to identify the others as being, but...that is usually the case. Isn't it? You are unable to function without be


You constantly make wild claims about how Hollywood, the BBC and everyone and anyone else who has had SUCCESS, has copied and stolen from you. You post this vomit endlessly and without A SINGLE SHRED OF PROOF. You live in the shadow of actual, hard-working professionals who have made success in writing, cinema and other areas of life and you have done NONE OF IT. Not one person in these places that you try to constantly imply knows who you are, or that you even exist dude! Your name(s) do not exist in credits or anything associated with their hard work, so QUIT! Not one Anime, Movie, Book, or TV Show has rubbed shoulders with you there in Ada, Oklahoma ever. EVER! The few successful people that you have met at various Sc-Fi/Fantasy Conventions across the State of Oklahoma and Texas, you have stalked, harassed and gave a terrible impression too (some are still being stalked by you to this day). Dude, you are the ULTIMATE LOSER AND NOBODY. Your awful three little books self-published on

BIG YAWN. More Stryx Tedium.

Dude, stop trying to talk down to people, condescend, on your stupedly long Facebook posts. You end up sounding absolutely retarded instead! None of that is the 'science you possess' Twenty years ahead of the World! Hahahahaa, you are incapable of shutting the Hell up for a day. You wonder why everyone avoids you? Why the Legal System sees you for what you are? A Mentally Ill fool and joke? You rant and rave about how you are NOT and how those you obsess over ARE, but after reading lengthy posts, over 20+ paragraphs in size on average, all of them Narcissistic in nature and so filled with Megalomania, it is hard to read at times, that you are still shocked that the Judge, Lawyers and Police can't take you seriously? Dude, seek help! The skill of a talented writer and true genius, is to say plenty in little. To be able to break down complexity into simplicity, not...whatever Word Salad you spew on Facebook and on your dozens of sites. Your every post reveals how deranged, an

You Have NO Understanding of the Military or Tactics, or History!

It must be soooooo boring everyday in that house with no friends or social life. No gaming or anything to do because you scared everyone away over the years by your lunacy, refuse professional help, or to admit that you even have a problem. Your absolute narcissism denies you that chance for help where it is needed, but dude, stop trying to pretend that you know about how history and battles went! You are so completely wrong, especially in these cracked out posts that you make! Are you having manic episodes? Is that it? You are wrong and have no facts or data to support whatever you are babbling about. None. Just a random Youtube video, how terrible. Plus, you are posting about your Corrupting Messiah Trump again I see, no surprise there. He attracts the mentally ill and uneducated, as well as the easily corruptable, and you are ALL THREE. Dude, just stick to playing with yourself....seriously.

Dude, As Usual, I Leave The Book of Faces and Find You in Full Retard Mode!

First, I am NOT Mr. Beal, or anyone in your circle of stalked people, but I know them all. Including me in your list of nonsense for whatever Make Believe and drummed up crap to send to the Courts isn't going to matter! I am as Make Believe as the endless posts and websites that you have made about them all since 2001, and the Court of Law knows it. You can Play Pretend Lawyer, Pro Se, all that you want, but you will be laughed out of Court again. Just give it up dude! Secondly, you had been told by myself in 2013 on my initial site to take everything offline and quit stalking everyone because no one WILL BELIEVE YOU. If you doubt me, look it up on my old site, it is all there a thousand times over. You keep reinventing the stories and staying the Eternal Victim in this, meanwhile also being the 'Powerful CEO/Military Know-it-All' too. But really dude, you can't be both! The Judge and lawyers look at both conflicting evidence and assess it. We do too. You don't come