Soooooooo your Idea of a Rebuttle is More Retarded Posts? Yeah....

The irony of you posting about the plethora of mental illnesses that you DON'T have and discrediting the DSM Guide as well due to the logical fact that you are these very problems incarnate! It is hilarious! We have been telling you this dude! You are not the final word,or even a word at all on the matter. No one will take your word as important, or authoritative on Mental Health. Just talking to you for five minutes, or a quick preview of your posts and websites and it is clear that you are a full-blown lunatic. Your list of mental problems are a catalogue of them too! Dude, that DSM Guide is like a shopping book for you since you have most of them and you don't even know or acknowledge it. You only post to 'hear' yourself in your little Facebook 'Echo Chamber' with barely a response by others on your Friends List, who are all Conspiracy Theory lunatics too (no surprise). You try to pick apart everything from a 'Legalese' stand-point too that I post here, and how very shameful. You are NOT a Lawyer. You are NOT a Judge. You are NOT a Policeman. You are NOT a Legal Expert. You have NO Legal schooling or training and do not understand it at all. You are less than a layman. It goes with your Stolen Valor too. You have NO Military Training either dude. You are a wannabe about sooooooo many things. Why do you try to feed that terrible ego with things that you haven't done? The few awful and unskilled things that you have done, those terribly written little booklets, do not qualify enough to feed any egos! Hahaaahahaha! GIVE IT UP!
You throw around more Laws and Statues, a felony for this and for that, but the only one committing them is YOU. Your endless stalking online and it is EVIDENT. You provide the proof by these sites and Facebook posts for us. Otherwise, you try your hardest to make random events going on outside of your Step-Mom's house (and whatever you call your 'life') into some dramatic story that everyone is out to get you, but dude, no one is. So stop. No one cares. What they are bothered by is the continued obsession you have with them after 23+ years online in everything that you do. You cannot stop and it is clear. It takes no expert to see it. It is in everything that you do, are, say and how you behave. It is sad. Your victims all have lives, good ones too, but you...not so much. Dude, go back to your Trans Lifestyle, or whatever it is that you do and leave us all alone. Ok?


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