Jimbo, You Have No Competition! This Isn't a Compliment...

Stryxina, since you have a Make Believe book and game, 'Beyond War', you can't claim that others are competing with you. No one knows that you exist in the Industry. You haven't created any computer based hardware or software. EVER. You haven't done one single achievement. So why misquote laws and statutes endlessly and hurl felonies at the people you obsess over? You post about 'Cyberstalking' but...isn't it YOU that has numerous websites devoted to them, with elaborate (although false) flow-charts and timelines, trying to explain how evil and criminal they all are and how much of a whiny victim that you are? I can just visit of any of them and your Facebook pages and see this without even trying. It took their own supporters decades to do anything in response, and barely that, me included. You try to name drop them, in capitals, and steal their ideas when you can as you go. You are the most vile form of Internet Stalker and lunatic. It is best that you are isolated there in Ada, away from everyone who is professional. You can't contribute anything. There is NO conspiracy to stop you from making your stupid project. You have had decades to do it dude. DECADES. Where is it? Not three hastly put together little amaturish booklets on Amazon, but actual stuff of substance? You talk it up and insult others' works and have nothing to show for it. Then you say how it is similar to this and that but not 'a derived work' at the same time. That isn't how this works dude. Not at all. Your creative language, professional and literary are all stuck in High School, and reflects someone who scored low, perhaps in the High 70s by their Senior year. Your creativity is further back, in the 7th or 8th Grade and unable to evolve. It is purile and caught in Narcissism and Megalomania. You feel, for some reason, that you are superior in your terrible ideas, and we cannot even fathom how? You have the World Building skills of a little child of 4th Grade who has just learned Minecraft. 'Beyond War' is simply terrible and it only is a reflection inside your awful mind, and that is a disturbing and mentally unstable place. You try to do Damage Control and backpedal out of this and be rational but that doesn't work. You reveal more everytime you go on lenthy rants, and you have lately. Is your medication out dude?


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