Jimmy, DO You Need Your Medications?

It was soooo silent from you for so long and then....here you are again with the SAME conspiracies, lies and wild accusations on your ridiculous Facebook pages. I have no need to repost them or quote you because it would be me rehashing you rehasing you...rehashing you all over again dude! A retarded inception going on. Does your Victimhood and Paranoid driven mental illness blight ever end? I imagine that you are walled up in your Step Mommy's house there by the golf course, with no friends, social life on or offline, and no job or income, constantly finding ways to force daily situations into the delusional mold of your victimization. Am I NOT wrong here? The dichotomy is that you also try to be this tough CEO guy who preaches about the 'Beyond War' who shows 'no mercy' and all that related rubbish too. So which is it? It can't be both. Stryx, the Eternal Sanguine Victim. Yes, he sucks that bad! We don't have to make you look bad, you do that on your own easily.
We are sure that adults spend there time tormenting you and your pets dude. They have lives, families and careers unlike you. I have said it for a thousand times, GET A LIFE. I don't really get the point of your posts trying to constantly demonize these people after 23 years? Are you trying to recruit others in a crusade against them? The legal system has failed to believe you, so why would anyone else? Your 'proof' amounts to the opposite, your constant libelous stalking of them online and causing trouble. That isn't how adults do things dude. Not at all. Grow up and let your little balls drop little whiney boy.


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