Stryxina Girl, Let me Tell You Something...

As I was reading your latest rant, I saw a familiar name, Kimberly Joyce Childs, oh my! She is a compulsive liar, alcoholic and has been arrested in many counties for 'Destruction of Property', 'Public Display of Drunkedness', DUIs and so much more! Did you know Stryxina that her Senior Age Husband (he is over 65 years old) of a decade, that Dave fellow, was a Child Molesting fugative from Florida? Yes, it is true! Yes, he was a Sex Offender of a 14 year old and she HAD to have to known. The US Marshalls came for him last year and took him away! So yeah Dude, before you start trying to incriminate anyone of your Stalking Victims obsessvely, as you do daily loser, you need to stop. You have arrests for drugs and alcohol and Child Support, Insurance Fraud and the list goes on. Oh and that Kristen Mack PI stuff...that is just MORE stalking of your victims with one extra step. I will let your list of stalking victims know they have been stalked by her and you again, and they can legally take further action against you again! GET A LIFE Incel!


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