Stop Posting Libelous Lies about Everyone Stryxina!

This is all very simple little cream-puff boy/girl. Stop exmblazening the names of everyone that you have obsessively been stalking online (and off) since 2001 on your Facebook pages and websites and then just like magic, ALL OF THIS and whatever else disappears too. Not that we have anything that can compare to your decades of libel and conspiracy filled rants, but we are tired of it all. My friends, the ones you attack, birate and send your...'Private Eye' after, are tired of this infantile behavior. You are a Baby, a Neckbeard, and need to quit! I only got involved in the beginning because I bumped into them by these conventions that banned you. You know why they banned you? Drama. Lies and more drama. You stalked people there many times. In 2006. 2009 and 2010 that I can personally remember. You stalked girls too, usually the same ones. Who hid from you in Con Party rooms and other places to get away from you, the 'Creepy Vampire Guy that thinks that he is some Corporate CEO'. I am sure that you don't remember that, or want to, but I DO. You also tried to hang with the 'cool people' to be around them and talk 'shop' and had nothing in common with them. Nothing. They were published authors, in showbusiness and other professions and you, just like now, an outsider and nothing. Now, 22 years later and you are still the crazy lunatic obsessing on the few touches of fame that you had and now you have twisted it into something perverse and wrong. You have tried to demonize people that only met you possibly a couple of times in person but you don't even know personally. You are mentally, emotionally and psychologically so far gone, that you cannot understand how bad this looks to these people that you libel on your pages. Instead of wasting the last 22 years like you had, you could have used that energy instead actually making something to gain an equal footing of fame and even riches with them all, but your 'Beyond War' and everything associated with it are pipe dreams. Just lies told on your Facebook pages to ignorant people who don't know the facts. It is sad dude. Meanwhile, those same people that you once met decades ago at various conventions have produced many countless works and elevated their standing and worth. You are in the SAME today that you were then. NOWHERE.
Any negative slight towards you, real or not and you whine like a massive baby. You are not man enough to handle it. You have to create a convoluted series of conspiracies and plots and then try to play Retard Lawyer Wannabe by quoting a myriad of laws, statues and the rest of which you know nothing about. I can say with complete confidence that you James Arnold Allen have utterly wasted your life. These petty imagined stalking libelous posts about your 3-5 victims have accomplished nothing. Zero. They have gained you nothing financially, or harmed them in anyway. It has only consumed your worthless life for 23 years and you are almost 50 now. Wow. What a waste. Dude. Even druggies have more hope compared to you...


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