
Showing posts from February, 2023

Jimmy, You Hate PhDs and then you Don't. What??????

On so many posts you spent time trying your limited hardest to discredit and deny the extremely difficult academic work of others who have achieved those Terminal Degrees, you know the types that you are intellectually incapable of yourself, and then you just post on your ridiculous 'SDP Multimedia Group' praising your Foster Mommy's Doctorate. So which is it dude? Dr. Klepper would have been ashamed of the things that you said about the worthlessness of PhDs and those who have them! You mocked them even, and yet it was Allycat that helped you limp along to get your first little degree in Clinical Psychology, which IS worthless on its own and with you attached. Unless you earn a Masters and get a career behind it, you just have a pieces of paper FOR NOTHING. You try to wane Psychological 'Expert' but you are not one. You have no experience in the field in any way dude. So, the next time you try to make humor of those who higher degrees than your pitiful self, look a

Stryx, Do You EVER Stop To Question Your Actions?


Pro Se - Are You Sure That You Want to Go That Route Jimmy?



Even on Valentine's Day,you whine and complain about YOU. The posts that I see are about YOU. Of course there are IP Addresses from these various locations going to YOU Einstein, you have been non-stop mentioning them as usual and attracting their attention because you whine like a baby with his diapers full. You are a terrible little baby with wrongly placed entitlement issues. No one owes you a thing. It is the other way around. It is called CHILD SUPPORT. But, your child is now a legal adult. IP Addresses coming from Enid and other towns to you because you know why? Words spread fast that you are posting libel again about them and they want to see what lies that you are telling this time, again, for the millionth time. Those photos of you hurt and bloody, although nice to see, are OLD. Almost 25+ years old dude. So stop it. No one believes your baby cries anymore. Are you going to blame literally everything that happens in the World around your Step-Mommy's house on these pe

On a Random Day a Meme Screamed to Me - 'THIS IS HERR MAGUS STRYX!'


Stop Posting Libelous Lies about Everyone Stryxina!

This is all very simple little cream-puff boy/girl. Stop exmblazening the names of everyone that you have obsessively been stalking online (and off) since 2001 on your Facebook pages and websites and then just like magic, ALL OF THIS and whatever else disappears too. Not that we have anything that can compare to your decades of libel and conspiracy filled rants, but we are tired of it all. My friends, the ones you attack, birate and send your...'Private Eye' after, are tired of this infantile behavior. You are a Baby, a Neckbeard, and need to quit! I only got involved in the beginning because I bumped into them by these conventions that banned you. You know why they banned you? Drama. Lies and more drama. You stalked people there many times. In 2006. 2009 and 2010 that I can personally remember. You stalked girls too, usually the same ones. Who hid from you in Con Party rooms and other places to get away from you, the 'Creepy Vampire Guy that thinks that he is some Corporat

Oh Strixina, the IRONy is Strong With You!


H.M. Stryxina, When Will You Stop Making Up Stuff About People?

Dudette, you fabricate wild stories about your obsessive stalking targets over and over, reinvent them again, and then rehash and new remixed versions yet again expecting no one to pay attention to the many changes along the way (we do). Just stop libelously lying and demonizing them in hopes of turning the Legal System against them in some way. NONE of them actually have Criminal Records if you check the Court Dockets for Oklahoma dudette. Regardless of whatever you dredge up from whatever news articles, videos or whatever you desperately hope to find my out of shape, puny and frail Man-Baby, it is YOU Stryxina that have charges of: DUIs, Drugs, Insurance License Fraud and Child Support Fraud, not including whatever else is hidden under your Step-Mother's rug. So nice try there scab. You have all of their names covering every Facebook page and lame ass website that you childishly have uploaded online. Meanwhile dudette, they have NONE about you. ZERO. They have lives and don'

Stryxina Girl, Let me Tell You Something...

As I was reading your latest rant, I saw a familiar name, Kimberly Joyce Childs, oh my! She is a compulsive liar, alcoholic and has been arrested in many counties for 'Destruction of Property', 'Public Display of Drunkedness', DUIs and so much more! Did you know Stryxina that her Senior Age Husband (he is over 65 years old) of a decade, that Dave fellow, was a Child Molesting fugative from Florida? Yes, it is true! Yes, he was a Sex Offender of a 14 year old and she HAD to have to known. The US Marshalls came for him last year and took him away! So yeah Dude, before you start trying to incriminate anyone of your Stalking Victims obsessvely, as you do daily loser, you need to stop. You have arrests for drugs and alcohol and Child Support, Insurance Fraud and the list goes on. Oh and that Kristen Mack PI stuff...that is just MORE stalking of your victims with one extra step. I will let your list of stalking victims know they have been stalked by her and you again, and the

Stryxina - the Drama Queen of Ada.


Dude, you are a lonely little boy.

Your latest Facebook rants show why no one believes you. Really. You make wild accusations, without evidence or merit, and then dredge up even old news about one of your many stalking victims (out of context by the way) hoping to get others who believe your lies. Not only were these stalking victims of yours (and their old news articles) and their previous matters dismissed in various courts and dropped entirely, but you are continually trying to incriminate them for things YOU did. No one is doing 'Child Molesting Behavior' or the rest of the wildly ridiculous claims you incel! Dude, seek Psychiatric help and intense medication now! There is the reason the Ada Police and Judges scoff at you! You are a JOKE. Jimmy, you are completely out of touch with Reality. There is sadly nothing redeemable about you Mr. Stryx. The seconds I waste typing this to and about you is indeed WASTED. You have fake businesses, fake projects, fake crimes against you, fake everything! So again, for th

Child Molester Behavior? Are you on Drugs Jimbo?

It isn't because your Step-Mommy's house sits in a well-trafficked area, by a golfing area/park neighborhood, or that the housing block in general has plenty of normal day-to-day living and behavior from other people going is just Mr. Stryx has used his laser precision and marksman-like skills of Clinical Psychology to quickly assess that any random damage to his Step-Mommy's yard, mailbox, house or the rest MUST BE CHILD MOLESTERS. Your paranoia is off of the charts, as well as every other Mental Illness Jimbo. No wonder you are a recluse and live out your sick fantasies online about Child Abductions, Sexual Predators/Problems and the endless list of your other wretched ideas dude! There is NO basis to reality to anything you post or claim. The Scientific standard goes" outrageous claims must be supported by outrageous facts and data. You have none. In your mind they exist, just like the conspiracies, Nazism, Communism, Hegelian nonsense and other boogymen tha