
Showing posts from December, 2023

Awwwww, Did Your Latest Attempted Lawsuit Get Refused to Dude? Oh no....

Stryxie Boy, your endless rants on Facebook are unhinged and ridiculous. More than ever! By the way, name dropping your Stalking Victims and their past alleged 'crimes' doesn't mean they did them. For example, Mr. Young's 'threatening a City Council Member' was dismissed and dropped and all related people in that fiasco suffered in the fallout and are mentally ill like yourself, he was exonerated. Maybe you should learn from that and the consequences of your actions after 20+ years of harassing and stalking people too? Antagonizing, misrepresenting, lying and falsely representing people continually online can get you in serious trouble. Everything you post is being recorded and remembered! You need to stop playing the Eternal Victim and Perpetual Genius (you are neither!), and seek professional help and stay offline. Everything you mention, from your 'companies', events, anecdotes, and more are all fictional, completely. They either are made to boost you