
Herr Magat Snix: Lord of the Lies!

Once more proof that you are insane and immoral and mentally ill, you post about the MAGA shit as a cultist would! Dude, I am not surprised! Then you begin on the usual rants about Pecan Praline being a 'manly drink' and felony this and felony that and showing a ridiculous cup. Dude, you are not a legal expert by any means, so stop pretending it, and even more so, and expert about anything. Jimmy Boy, your endless delusions end up revealing more about yourself online than any person(s) everytime that you post. It it telling. You rant about their various mental problems when in reality, you are admitting your own openly to the World on Facebook. Naively. You are not sophisticated, no more than a pig in slop, and live on borrowed time in your Step Parents' house and money. You have no real job and only prolonged the eventual arrest of the VPO until the end this month due to a lie given to the court. Your 'client' is a larger criminal than you are! Mr. Hibbs is a Sex O...

Oh Irony Delusional Man-Child...

You are making another typical MEGA-SIZED post ranting about how 'fake' other companies are, etc and yet you have none yourself! You try to also, again, to whine about laws and statutes that you don't understand concerning companies and the rest too. It is all a waste of effort. You produce zero content or profit and don't exist. You are not in the business world dude! You don't exist at all and never have. You seriously need medication and a full-time counselor Jimbo. Your delusions are wild. I can say a thousand times more with fewer words here! Every one of your petty insecurities are on full display today and they are shameful. Did someone scare you? Did you get caught in the closet again? With another boy? I bet so...naughty naughty dude....

For you, Today is OFF THE CHARTS LUNACY! What a Show! Bravo! By the Way, My Surname has many Spellings...

Jimmy, you are not only deranged, but delusional and extremely paranoid. NO, you didn't influence Anime or other MMORPG games. NO, there are not conspiracies out to get you. No, Magnus wasn't abused or kidnapped. You are just extremely mentally ill. Unmedicated too. No one in any business capacity knows who you are, or cares. You have NO presence. NONE. Your 'project' is never going to be a reality. If it were, it wouldn't have amounted to a few crappy graphics by now and you giving delusional claims that everyone in Anime and Hollywood has stolen ideas from you! You would have the stupid game done by now. Instead, it is constant excuses and Global Conspiracies behind why it isn't coming out. Yeah dude whatever! Here are the many spellings of my last name bozo: Deutsch, Deutch, Deitch, Deich, Teutsch, TeĆ¼tsch, and Deutsh

The Year 2025: When James Arnold Allen gets ARRESTED.

Can a Serial Stalker go too far? Yes. Jimmy has. Every post he makes and comment can be considered a lie. Whatever 'proof' or 'evidence' that he provides is merely misguided and off-center. After all, his 'facts' on certain people that he obsesses over is out-of-date by over a decade still! He can't sort of data and information correctly. His mind is a mess. Dude, if you are reading this, no one believes anything that you say. Not about yourself or anyone else. Ever. You keep blaming others for your actions and bad decisions. YOU ARE THE STALKER. Not them. We have half a dozen people that can testify to this! Stop playing the Eternal Victim and somehow the Prodigal Son too. You are neither. You are a creepy idiot.

Jimmy Boy, that Business Card was Made AFTER 2012!

In your simple mind, the concepts of Personal Power stems from a few things: Legality, Owning Busnesses and Sophistication. But in reality, life is more complicated and none of these three can always co-exist with the same person at the same time, or...if they do, it is due to a conflict. Or, worse, several of them are deceptive or lies and a facade, because very few people can maintain such a lifestyle for a longtime. This is due to the Chaos Factor of life itself. You have none of these three for real. It is obvious. ALL of your online activity is indicative of your obsessive stalking of less than half a dozen people. You tell others about how much of a constant victim that you are, by others, and not the minutiae of the detailed life of a true professional. You imply it. But these are lies dude. I am imply all day online a million things and you will (and had) believed them! You wield legal terms like a child with toys, randomly and with rage. Felony this and that! But you have no u...

Sigh.....Dude, Why Do You Keep Posting Lies? We DO Have The SAME Internet!

No, you haven't been 'known Globally and in commerce as Stryx' since 1992, and NO, you NEVER EVER even written for FASA, not even closely for this or other Game Companies. It takes ten seconds to look up this lie. Games Workshop too. You are UNKNOWN. The only thing that you are known for is STALKING AND harassing for 23 years. This hasn't changed at all. You cannot legally own that Pen-Name dude, unless immense fame and wealth does come from it, and IT HASN'T. EVER. You remain unknown in Ada. Your post today is more of your Narcissism and Schitzophrenia speaking online, as with all posts. When you attempt to speak down to others and belittle them, it is terrible because you no one cares. You are a nothing posting into the Facebook Void. You keep reposting the SAME crappy business card you made decades ago as 'proof' or evidence, but this isn't, nor is that 'Beyond War' Trademark from the State of Oklahoma with your Nome de Plume. Dude, no one car...

James Arnold Allen - Stalker and Perpetual Victim Too Somehow...?
